Christmas 2020 is coming and here’s how to stay safe at home
Whatever happens this year, it’s still vital that you know what to do to keep yourself electrically safe – here are our electrical safety tips for Christmas.
Despite what’s the challenges of 2020, many of our customers want to go all out with the Christmas lights this year. Of course, this will include a lighted tree, lights outside and some will go so far as to place lights in the front garden.
However, before setting everything up, you must know a few electrical safety tips.
Many house fires are initiated by overloading a faulty electrical circuit. To ensure that 2020 doesn’t go out with the bang that nobody wants, here are some electrical safety tips for Christmas.
Take Care with Christmas Lights
Christmas lights are typically stored in the loft for a year in between usage. If they aren’t secured safely, then they may have been nibbled on by a house mouse which could mean they are compromised when it comes to safety. We recommend that you throw those out and start with a fresh set. But do get new ones from a reputable buyer, as some online sellers can not be relied upon for safety. See this BBC coverage on the dangers of Christmas lights from online sellers.
Before using any Christmas lights, get them tested. If you know how to do this yourself, then all is well and good, or you can ask a local electrician to test them for you.
Inspect Christmas Lights for Damage
Before you stretch those beautiful lights around your Christmas tree, get them checked. Look along every inch of the string of lights to see if there is any damage. Start by looking for worn or broken wires. Any wiring that is exposed can put your family in grave danger if it’s not spotted.
Use an RCD on Christmas Outdoor Lighting
An RCD is an abbreviation used for a residual current device. This device is designed to protect you from severe electric shocks if you accidentally touch a bare wire. We recommend that you connect all outdoor lighting to an RCD, which will provide you with protection against shocks and electrical fire.
Not all Christmas Tree Lights are the Same
Many of us don’t worry about reading the instructions that come in the packaging; however, that can be a grave mistake. You must read them before you get started on decorating the tree. You need to know what you can and cannot do and the best way to use them.
Don’t Overload Power Sockets
It may be so tempting to plug everything into the same socket if you don’t have enough, but don’t do this. Overloading sockets is what is at the heart of many house fires. These electrical safety tips for Christmas are here to keep you safe.
Don’t Forget to Turn Off Those Lights
Whether you’re leaving home or you are going to bed, then turn off the Christmas lights. If you cannot trust yourself to remember, then we recommend that you get a timer so that they will automatically turn off for you.
Test Your Smoke Alarm
Test your smoke alarm monthly to ensure that it’s fully working. We all get tempted to remove the batteries when the alarm goes off because we burnt the toast. However, doing so could put you in danger. The only time you should remove the batteries is when you are replacing them.
The team here at Whizz Sparks Electricians cannot stress enough about the importance of electrical safety – especially at Christmas time. It’s essential to respect electricity and take extra precautions to keep all your family members safe. That’s why we have written these electrical safety tips for Christmas. We want you to have a great time but in a safe manner.
If you have concerns about your electrics, get in touch. Please don’t risk it over Christmas.